Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rules of Commenting

I am usually very informal, carefree, and laid back about what I say, post, etc. on this blog, but due to some events, I need to lay down some ground rules.

When I received my first commercial comments on this blog, I thought it was funny and I still have them up. However, with the foreign companies beginning to advertise on my blog and it is not getting through the spam filter, I must ask that no product be advertised by commenters on this blog. My blog is only about my experiences and activities and imagination, and no commercial advertisement that I have received thus far pertains to me at all. The line was crossed when a medicine ad appeared on here and also contained untranslatable gibberish. Thank you for your cooperation.

Second order of business: If you comment, I ask that you please keep your comment pertaining to the post or my blog, please. I know a lot of you who read this, but please try to keep external affairs out of this blog. Thanks a lot.

However, since rules can be broken, I've taken an extra step to insure that commercial ads in particular can not comment. I am sorry that I must penalize all of you, but I fell urged to self make these laws.

Thank you for cooperating, and hopefully this blog can be less serious. :)

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A blog (formerly) dedicated to film: reviews, news, and everything in between.