Saturday, July 13, 2013

Trailer Park #1: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Saving Mr. Banks, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

If you haven't seen how this segment works yet, click here. Now that you're caught up...

Here we go!
In the first installment of Trailer Park, I'll be reviewing the second trailer for teen supernatural flick The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, the first trailer for Disney's biopic Saving Mr. Banks, and, lastly, the first official trailer to The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

I'll be honest; I wasn't a fan of the first trailer. Looking at it, I felt sorry for the fans of the original novels; with such a devoted following to The Mortal Instruments series, this movie would get a lot of hate. Looking at this trailer, I feel more or less the same. For the most part, I will say that the story of demon hunters does look slightly more intriguing, but it feels just like Percy Jackson; the bait is good, but I'm afraid that the catch won't be that great. After Abduction, I've lost all faith in Lily Collins as an actress--she was a terrible love interest in that film, and I highly doubt her abilities as a leading lady, so I'm definitely not excited about that. And the werewolves reference at the end, really? I guess it's part of the books' mythology, but a month before the film even hits theaters, I know that it's going to be a bad idea in the long run. Werewolves are just one step away from being as big a threat as Lucifer & co. I mean, just look at Jacob Black in Breaking Dawn! So while the film may end up getting a Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, I just see this as a cheap cashgrab to reel in teens before school starts with an established franchise (although I don't think that they're trying to hide it), I'm not excited, and I won't be scrambling to see it on August 23rd. I'm saying that this trailer FISHTAILED.

Our next film is Saving Mr. Banks (pictured above), a film about the rough process of making the Disney classic Mary Poppins. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything here, this trailer makes me so happy and giddy inside--literally, my stomach has butterflies. This movie looks amazing, and seeing Walt Disney portrayed to comedic perfection by Tom Hanks is just wonderful. The film looks like it'll be the best movie of the year, in my opinion. I can't wait to see it in theaters. I don't think I've felt this way from a trailer since my first time seeing the Lincoln trailer with the John Williams score playing in the background so reverently. So, yeah, make sure you catch this movie on December 20 because this is as STURDY as trailers get!

Our final film is the next movie in The Hobbit trilogy, The Desolation of Smaug, probably one of the most out-there titles for a book adaptation, but I digress. (If you haven't caught my review for the preceding film An Unexpected Journey, make sure you check it out here.) This trailer's main purpose is to show you the dragon Smaug and it does it well--Benedict Cumberbatch has never looked better. I kid, but Smaug looks pretty cool. Not terrifying, but he serves a dragon's purpose and that is, to look cool. When I initially saw this trailer, I thought there was a bit too much Legolas and elves. Upon another viewing, however, I realize that they're there to fulfill one of the things that I praised about the last film: bridging the gaps! While I doubt Tolkien wrote much about Legolas in his appendices, I am excited to see how Peter Jackson pulls this off. It is disappointing, though, to see that the CGI orc is still here... well, beggars can't be choosers. That said, with Gandalf visiting the lair of the Necromancer, and Howard Shore's score still impressive, this may end up being better than Journey. I'm not making any predictions, but I will say that it will be a battle for the Christmas box office with this coming out on December 13 and Saving Mr Banks on the 20th. After viewing this trailer again, I'd say that The Desolation of Smaug trailer is STURDY.

That's it for today. Which trailer did you like the best out of these three and what trailers should I review next week? Make sure you leave your thoughts on these trailers and this segment in the comments below!

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Based on the trailers only, I liked Saving Mr. Banks the best and look forward to seeing it. I actually liked the Mortal Instruments trailer and would likely go see it just based on the trailer. The Hobbit's was okay but I think I would give it a "In Need of Repair" rating as it was hard to figure out because I'm not that familiar with the Hobbit story. I would go see it but I would probably wait for the $6 matinee.

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