Friday, May 23, 2014

NEW MOVIE: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Well, it's sure good to be back here. Sorry for the hiatus--I had a lot going on the past few weeks months that I could not avoid, but I promise I'll get my Noah review to you as soon as I can (in short, I recommend seeing that and the Divergent movie, even if the latter is subpar in terms of writing and character development)--but here I am now to talk to you about the newest Marvel Studios film, and one of my most anticipated movies of the year, Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Rated PG-13 (intense sequences of violence, gunplay, and action throughout)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier continues the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe in a unique superhero film, one that delves into dark territory with political conspiracy and espionage that not only builds on the mythology of the Captain America characters and series, but on the foundations of the entire film universe that began with 2008's Iron Man. Taking place a couple years after the giant New York battle in The Avengers, the film has Steve Rogers/Captain America (played by Chris Evans) in the middle of a S.H.I.E.L.D. conspiracy, that Cap and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) seek the answers to in order to keep the system under control. Meanwhile, a skilled assassin, the eponymous Winter Soldier, works to bring S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Captain to their knees.

This may very well be the best sequel I have ever seen. Tonally, the film gets very dark yet keeps a needed sense of humor. Though most importantly, the action, acting, and exposition are all equally engaging and thrilling. I can't remember a boring action sequence, and none of the action seems to be strictly fanservice or explosions-for-explosions, and often the action is vital for the story's plot, such as the first major fight with the Winter Soldier. Everything has a purpose Chris Evans plays the role of Captain America and Steve Rogers so well, and one could buy that he really came out of World War II as a war hero, so a sequence where he talks with an old comrade as a loving contemporary isn't creepy but rather heartbreaking in a sense. Scarlett Johannson makes Black Widow a complex character in her performance, and the appearance of the Falcon (Anthony Mackie) is welcome. Altogether, their shared chemistry works very well, providing the driving emotional force for the movie when a majority of it is so political.

As a comic book movie, it's extremely good, reminding me of the first times I read Ultimate Spider-Man, whose later S.H.I.E.L.D. drama was very reminiscent of this film, come to think of it. Though this is true, the movie stands well on its own as a film, and specifically, an action-thriller along the lines of the Bourne films (albeit less brutal). There are several twists throughout the movie, and each one is shocking and pleasing to its audience. For example, the reveal of the Winter Soldier had so many people in the audience audibly shocked, child and adult, so kudos to the Russo brothers and the screenwriters for making these things effective. I can't say I was shocked with this twist in particular because I had prior knowledge years ago from Marvel games, but I also can't deny that it was very well done. On a side note, it was very good of the Russos for putting in Alan Silvestri's score from the original film during the opening scene, putting audiences back into the character of Cap.

My only complaint with the film, looking back, is that Robert Redford's character wasn't as developed as he should have been for his ultimate purpose in the film, but I can't deny that I had a blast watching it. So in the end, I have to give it 5 out of 5 stars. It's a well-done conspiracy thriller with depth and excitement that has changed the Marvel Cinematic Universe for good. The only question is: will it pay off? Only time will tell.

So did you see The Winter Soldier in the past month-and-a-half? What did you think? Whatever you have to say about me and the movies, comment below!

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