Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Visit to Hobbiton

I think that this'll be my most acclaimed fan-fiction yet on this blog. I'm not going to go into much Kingdom Hearts lore and will try to merge the two together like it was a normal level in the video games. I plan to include several of Tolkien's characters. I expect comments from Hobbit fans. Enjoy this first chapter, based on the first two chapters of the novel. I'll try to put something together. I wanted to post this earlier, but conflicts arose. Well, here it is! "Hey Sora, look! A new world," cried Donald from the cockpit of the Gummi Ship. "Gawrsh," said Goofy. "It looks like there's something going on down there." And indeed there was. Only very few times were they able to see consequences from outside worlds, but they saw fire spurting from this world, which looked like a mountain plain and forests from the heroes' view. They decided to land in this world, Hobbiton, to solve the problem down there. After they hid the Gummi Ship behind some trees they found, they left the trees and saw something they had never seen before: tiny, fat, hairy people walking in and out of houses in a hill! One of them walked by them. Not too far behind the pudgy man came a taller but short, bearded man- a dwarf! But they realized it wasn't just one dwarf; there were two- no,three-four-five-six-there were twelve! "Well, this sure beats Snow White!" exclaimed Sora. Trailing behind was a Man with a magic stick. "Hey, sir," said Sora to the wizard. The wizard turned towards them in response. "What's going on around here?" the Keyblade Master asked. The wizard replied, "This is The Hill in the Shire in Hobbiton. I am Gandalf the Grey, a very well-known wizard, especially to Mr. Baggins. Twelve dwarfs and I and Mr Baggins are going to reclaim the dwarf's treasure. Don't worry; He invited me to tea, so I thought I bring a few friends with me. (He's got enough room in that hole of his, anyway.) Would you like to join?" "Sure," Sora answered. "I'm Sora, and this is Donald and Goofy. Who are the," Sora struggled for words to refer to the Hobbits in the proper manner without insulting them. "The hairy men?" he went with. "Oh, them," Gandalf said. "They are hobbits, fat because they eat six meals a day, but are kind peace-loving creatures. They like to party, but they dislike machines. Notice their bright clothing and hairy feet; their feet are like the soles on your shoes. They live here. Now to Mr Baggins' house." And so they followed Gandalf and the dwarves. The dwarves sang songs on their way to the hobbit's house which Sora, Donald, and Goofy couldn't help but try to sing along to.
March! March! March! March!

To the burglar's house.

March! March! March!

To get our treasure back!

The evil dragon Smaug

Killed the dwarfs in fog!

So we will go and kill him and get our treasure back!

March! March! March!

With the wizard Gandalf.

March! March! March!

So we'll be happy once again.

Some dwarfs got excited and ran to the hole in the Hill once they saw it. Sora, Gandalf, the iconic Disney characters, and a rather proud dwarf and three others. Then at last they came to the Hobbit's door. "Yes, this is the one," Gandalf assured himself. He knocked with his magic stick. Gandalf noticed Sora, Donald, and Goofy's rather bad posture before entering a hobbit's home. "Look sharp!" Gandalf scolded them.

The three stood straight like soldiers and stayed rigid even after the hobbit opened the door. The dwarfs got impatient and tried to squeeze past the Animals and the Men, but Gandalf tried to keep them back while trying to push the three heroes forward, knocking the three of balance, which Gandalf repeated, and the dwarfs went flying from Gandalf incidentally kicking them; this made a rather big mess on Mr Baggins' front door. The dwarfs got up, rather grumpy, and passed the Animals and the Men. "This is why we don't like Animals," and "Men can't get shown the door," the dwarfs mumbled after they introduced themselves before the hobbit.

"Gandalf!" the hobbit cried.

"Well, you did invite me for tea, and we've got some things to plan out," Gandalf answered.

"Well, at least you brought dinner," Mr. Baggins said, looking at Donald. Donald jumped in fright onto Sora's head. "Ah! It talks!" the hobbit cried. The hobbit ran away, obviously distraught. After the unexpected party had some drink and some food, Gandalf announced why they were meeting here at The Hill. They were to journey from the Shire, go through the Misty Mountains due to their being a shortcut to get to the dragon Smaug. A dwarf named Thorin explained the sad story of how the dwarfs once thrived with treasure, and were attacked by Smaug who destroyed everyone and everything in the town, except for the dwarfs' treasure which was kept in the dragon's cave. Thorin's ancestors saw the entire scene before their eyes outside the village. "And in the midst of this mission, some of his may not return, some may not live, or we all shall live or perish," Thorin stated gravely. At this statement, the hobbit fainted.

After a few minutes of recuperating, the Hobbit came and was ready for the mission. He sent everyone out for an early morning. The next day, Sora waited with the dwarfs at a local tavern for the Hobbit. "Gawrsh, don't you think it's been a while?" Goofy asked.

"Usually he dusts his mantelpiece. He must not have found our note this morning. I'll go grab Bilbo," answered Gandalf. Not too long after, they were off on magnificent horses and ponies to the Misty Mountains. As they trotted along, civilization seemed to decrease. Shadows began to emerge, turning into awful beasts with menacing, yellow eyes that showed no expression. "Great toadstools!" exclaimed Gandalf. Bilbo yelped in fright. "Protect Bilbo, dwarfs. That's an order! The Animals, the boy, and I will take care of the creatures of Shadow!"

"Heartless," muttered Sora. He slashed at the closest one by him with his Keyblade sending it back a little. It began to swim towards him with increasing speed until it jumped at him. Sora thrust his Keyblade up, causing the beast to dissipate. He turned to see Gandalf and Donald throwing magic spells at the Heartless and Goofy defending the dwarfs from the oncoming swarm. Sora threw his Keyblade at a horde of the shadows. Gandalf, upon realizing the coming of the darkness of the night, conjured up a powerful spell, making light from his wand spread for miles upon miles, clearing any sight of the Heartless.

"Make haste!" ordered Gandalf. They finally came upon a resting place during a torrent of rain, making everyone gloomy.

"Hey, where's Gandalf?" asked one of the dwarfs.

"That darned wizard deserted us!" Thorin cried, followed by a couple of curses.

"Hey!" cried Bilbo. "What's that over there?" He pointed towards a fire in a forest.

"A fire in this weather is beyond me," mumbled a fat dwarf. "Hey, burglar! Go check it out."

Bilbo gulped. What have I gotten myself into? he thought. He ran off to see the fire because arguing was futile. Time passed. The rain was getting harder and harder and didn't seem to stop. Sora sneaked off to help Bilbo, followed by Donald and Goofy, and eleven dwarfs. Thorin said, after they ran off, "I don't care about the hobbit. If he's killed, what do I care? What about your people, Thorin? Well, uh, well,.... And if the hobbit dies, then the mission is failed and the treasure shall never be achieved and Smaug will continue to bathe in it. Oh, all right!" And off Thorin ran, carefully and stealthily.

Sora turned the corner to see Bilbo being tossed around by some trolls. "I've never had burrahobbit before. I wonder how they taste," One of them said.

"Well, you're not gonna know!" Sora said, jumping out from the trees and kicking one of the trolls into the fire. It screamed in pain and punched Sora, who became trapped in the arms of the another one of the trolls. Goofy managed to bash one in the head with his shield, knocking it down, but became trapped himself in a sack with Sora right behind him. Donald tried fighting back with a flurry of spells, which the trolls brushed off.

"Perhaps we can eat this duck instead?" one of the trolls suggested. Donald quacked in fear and shot a fireball in that troll's face, an icicle in another's face, and sending lightning down on the last.

"Never mind. He burns my tongue," the duck's captive said.

"He's too cold," cried the second.

"Shocking," said the last. The trolls stuffed the three in a sack. They expected more intruders and grabbed several sacks, and captured the dwarfs, even Thorin, who threw a good fight.

"So I say kill the duck (he's overcooked, that temper of his), and eat the rest," said one of the trolls.

"I say kill them all," said a voice that sounded awfully like one of the troll's.

"Why would we do that, you idiot?" replied one of the trolls.

"You said it!" another replied.

"Or we could eat them all!" rang in the voice.

"Not the duck! Not the duck!" yelled another. And the trolls kept arguing like this on and on and on.

"And now, trolls, Dawn take you all, and be stone to you!" Gandalf cried. And with that, the sun came and the trolls turned to stone. Donald managed to finally burn his sack open, and Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Gandalf freed all the dwarfs, who were once again, rather grumpy.

"Search the trolls' hideout!" Gandalf suggested. And they found different items such as swords and food that would indeed help them later on.

"Follow me to Rivendell. I know someone there who can help us," said Gandalf.

1 comment:

Adam Johnson said...

Pardon the formatting. Blogspot was being strange. If the post is too long, it gets rid of some paragraph separations. I am sincerely sorry.

A blog (formerly) dedicated to film: reviews, news, and everything in between.