Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas or Xmas

Hello Blog Readers. Welcome to the Blog Theater. Today we are showing the Christmas special.

And it starts now.


'Twas a week before Christmas, and all through the town
Potatoesburg people were buying last minute gifts
Forgetting the true meaning of Christmas, 'cause Santa was hung every wall, every house, every place.
But Jesus has not been lost,
In this chaotic scurry,
As one little house in town,
put Jesus up first.
The Spudds they call them Scott, Bri, and David,
and lastly Jeanne,
the evangelists of the town,
who hasn't forgotten about CHRISTmas.
When they decorated the tree,
Jesus came first,
right on top, before the last stem.
Meanwhile, on the outskirts of town,
another family was struggling this Christmas.
A father who wants the best for his kids,
yet doesn't know the truth,
If only he met the Spudds before,
yes, that might do,
he might know what,
the real meaning of Christmas was about.

Act 1

'Twas 6 days before Christmas,
the scurry continued.
Dealers happy for money,
Parents don't know the right things for their little angels,
wanting things for Christmas,
over twenty grand.
The father in the outskirts of town,
was busy at work,
scribbling down,
his theory of how Christmas came around.
Unsure what to do,
he made this small hypothesis saying,
"The real meaning of Christmas,
Ah, what can it be.
Hmmm.... After observing towns folk and others at home,
my hypothesis for the meaning of Christmas is
getting gifts for others.
That should be it...
Unfortunately his theory was incorrect. For Christmas anyway.
The hypothesis was the meaning of... Xmas.
Xmas. It takes out Christ. The opposite of Christmas it is.
75% of the world celebrates this opposite.

'Twas 5 days till Christmas the father he ran,
to store after store buying ridiculous toys for his children.
how long will it take till he realizes

Act II

'Twas Christmas day, the bill arrived, after all people had opened their gifts,
the poor family saw that they were in debt.
Poor family, wanting best for their children, realized maybe this was over the top.
The father regreted too much that he did not what to do.
He fell down a hole too big to crawl out....
"It is the end. I died now."
the father said these words of doom.
But then within the deep hole,
a rope out of nowhere appeared out of the blue.
Suddenly he realized, HE WAS RESCUED!
The Spudds helped the family out,
they donated the family enough to pay the debt and more!
The father understood now. Christmas isn't about getting.
It's Jesus. He gave himself as the Perfect Gift.
This Christmas was merry after all.

Morale of the Story
"Christmas isn't getting. That's Xmas. Christmas is CHRIST. Jesus CHRIST gave himself as The Gift. The true meaning of Christmas is Jesus.

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