Monday, September 8, 2008

Dave Ramsey Short BLOG Report Special

Hello folks. DAVE RAMSEY ROCKS! A longer version of this post may be published, so I'll just make this simple. For readers younger than 21, listen! Ben and Arther both invested money. ($ is King. Debt is Dumb). Ben starts saving $2,000 at age 19 and stops at age 26. When he was 65, his investment total was $2,288,996. Arther starts investing at age twenty seven and stops at age 65 with 2,000 invested per age. At the time he was 65, he had $1,532,166 invested. HE NEVER CAUGHT UP! If you are 21 or younger, start investing NOW! Get a Job. Remember, Debt is Dumb, KASH IS KING!!!!!!! (Don't do Credit Cards. Just say NO!)

Dave Ramsey LIVE! Workbook.


Anonymous said...

Wait. Sorry. I'm still a little unclear... So you're saying credits cards are good and everybody should have 2-3?

Adam Johnson said...

David. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.

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