Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Chain Gang: A Critique

Here is a story about a poor girl who had no friends.... ..... OMGosh this is so freaky--it actually works- EMAIL THIS TO 35 FRIENDS AND U WILL MEET THE LOVE OF YUR LIVE IN 14 DAYS IT WILL BE THE BEST DAY EVER TRUST ME THIS WORKS! BUT LIKE UHUHUHUH.....IF YOU DON'T DO IT IN FIVE HOURS YOU'll DIE IN 4 DAYS! TRUST ME THIS WORKS! AHHH!.....

Hallelujah, you're finished. If my remaining readers (most of you probably think I was involved in the above with my hiatus) haven't noticed, I have a bit of a peeve with forward messages for a few reasons: 1) They're so cliched-- How many times am I going to die in four days? When will I meet the love of my life? F37 only makes my computer implode. 2) They take up good comment space on YouTube-- I want to hear people's opinions, not you going on about how I'll see death last week. 3) They waste your texting minutes for heaven's sake! If your charged by the text, don't waste on some idiotic scheme to waste people's precious minutes of life.

Now granted I wasn't always this despicable towards FWDs (as they usually say on my phone.... one after the other after the other after the other after the other, et al, et al, etc, etc, &c, &c......). Back when I actually went on Neopets, I was involved in "NeoMail." Stupid as I was, I "befriend- ed" my cousin's friend, and long story short, I don't see any in my sent mail box anymore. Aside from the utterly despicable ones that you probably see every time you go on a popular YouTube video, some of them get more... religious.

So you have the regular, cliched love-or-death messages-- but doesn't love conquer all?-- and then you have the uplifting, please-forward messages. I'm fine with the latter; those are actually nice to get once in a while. But what can I say, I'm a sucker for uplifting messages with pictures of cute little kitty cats. And these messages suggest to forward with no ailments later on. I can forward if I want and not have to "worry" about death meeting me two Fridays from next Saturday at 27 past 2. But then there's that wretched median in between the two-- the combination of religious and sacrilegious: The... well, I'll just tell you.

What prompted me to return to blogging after a bit of a hiatus is a message I recently received. A several-times forwarded message that said that God knows I've been going through something. (Can identify that in Bible: Check) It went on to say that a blessing is coming your way and in order to receive that blessing I must forward it to 14 friends in 10 minutes. ("It's not that hard.") Now I admit that I'm not a preacher, but if I'm not mistaken, God gives blessings to those who deserve it or if they do things in his name, not perform a time trial forward chain. Now I realize the message said it was a test, but this seems a bit, well, far-fetched. I expect God will do things in his will, not use Forward messages. The message comes not as a blessing, but as a sick-minded scheme. It's a shame to see that the message has gone along for almost 6 times.

Sorry, but I'm breaking every chain you try to send me. "MY chains are gone-- I've been set free. My God, My Savior, has RANSOMED me." And personally, I don't want to be in the chain gang.

1 comment:

Scott Johnson said...

Good plan Adam. I tell people, "If that message says to forward to all your friends, please forget that we're friends."

A blog (formerly) dedicated to film: reviews, news, and everything in between.